Monday, February 28, 2011

Vezmi mě do Prahy - Day 20

Hello dolls! I hope that your Monday went well! Mine was alright. I had off of work and ran some errands with mom and then went to my monthly EMS squad meeting. Oh my Lord was it a mess. There are some issues between squad members and all I did the whole night was shake my head at the pettiness. I was miserable. Luckily, I survived. :)

Moving on...the title of today's post translates in Czech to: Take me to Prague. The challenge is to post a picture of somewhere I'd like to travel. I chose Prague. Here is a picture:

Prague isn't just somewhere I'd like to go. Prague is somewhere I have to go. I am part Czechoslovakian and have wanted to go to the Czech Republic for ages. Prague is also one of the most beautiful places in the world. The picture above is of the Charles Bridge and the Prague Castle at sunset. You can't deny that it isn't gorgeous! I will lust away until I finally get enough money to travel there.

I get so sad that I can't travel like I'd like to. I really hate being poor right now. Ughhhhh. I love to travel. I've been to a lot of places, but mostly domestic. I really need to get overseas more! I know in my heart that I belong there, but I'm too terrified and too poor to just go and live somewhere else. I'm thankful for where I've been able to go to, though! I'm an "old soul" and have always felt drawn to the architecture and culture of other places, mostly because of the real history behind them. Obviously there's history here in the US, but its different. There aren't the same kind of customs and symbolism. Maybe I'm too jaded. C'est la vie.

Well, girls, I have another post I'm putting up about the Oscars. Stay tuned!

Lots of love!


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