Monday, February 28, 2011

Oscar Night

Hey dolls. So here's my Oscar post as promised. After watching parts of the Oscars last night (I can't survive the whole thing without getting bored), I can honestly say that while I really liked most of the dresses, I wasn't gaga over any of them. I think that Anne Hathaway looked great throughout the night and was a really fun host. When she flubbed, she made a joke and moved on. Even though everyone said that it seemed like James Franco was high, I thought that he and Anne were really good together.

Here are my favorite looks from last night:

Anne Hathaway in Givenchy Haute Couture by Riccardo Tisci
Anne Hathaway in Atelier Versace
Reese Witherspoon in Armani Prive

Natalie Portman in Rodarte

Scarlett Johanson in Dolce & Gabbana

-Anne's Givenchy was beautiful. What a pretty, graceful color and amazing detail. Loved it.

-Anne's Versace was such a great color. The detailing on the front was really neat. It almost looked like leather, didn't it? I liked the look much better when she swept her hair to the side with this dress later in the night

-Reese's Armani was perfect for her petite body. It made her look long and lean. I loved that it wasn't too intricate. It played up her natural beauty. Loved her hair!

-Natalie's Rodarte dress was such a gorgeous color. Purple has recently become one of my favorite colors and I thought it made her look positively fabulous. I really liked her tassel earrings, too. She looked so great for being pregnant. You almost wouldn't know she was with that empire waist!

-Scarlett's D&G was awesome. Maroonish-purple + lace = winning combo. I liked the little train, too. The silouhette was great on her.

As far as the awards part of the show, I was shocked that "True Grit" didn't win! It was an absolutely amazing movie on all counts. The actors and actresses were perfect in their roles and executed the script well. It should have received some awards! Also, "Black Swan" was a phenomenal movie. It was a total mind screw and I loved every minute of it. I was on the edge of my seat going, "WTF just happened?!" I recommend both, though I will warn that "True Grit" made me cry. I really can't wait to see "The King's Speech"! Hopefully I'll find out why it won so many awards! And last but not least, I started to watch "Inception" with my mom a long time ago and couldn't even get 1/4 of the way through it. It had such a slow, confusing start that I got bored and took the movie out. Maybe I'll force myself to watch the rest so I can understand why it got such rave reviews.

What did you think of the 83rd Academy Awards? Did you love them? Hate them? Agree or disagree with the winners? Overall I think it went well and I'm happy for those who won. I'm sure they all deserve it. Well, girls, I'm off for the night! Sleep well!

Lots of love!


Vezmi mě do Prahy - Day 20

Hello dolls! I hope that your Monday went well! Mine was alright. I had off of work and ran some errands with mom and then went to my monthly EMS squad meeting. Oh my Lord was it a mess. There are some issues between squad members and all I did the whole night was shake my head at the pettiness. I was miserable. Luckily, I survived. :)

Moving on...the title of today's post translates in Czech to: Take me to Prague. The challenge is to post a picture of somewhere I'd like to travel. I chose Prague. Here is a picture:

Prague isn't just somewhere I'd like to go. Prague is somewhere I have to go. I am part Czechoslovakian and have wanted to go to the Czech Republic for ages. Prague is also one of the most beautiful places in the world. The picture above is of the Charles Bridge and the Prague Castle at sunset. You can't deny that it isn't gorgeous! I will lust away until I finally get enough money to travel there.

I get so sad that I can't travel like I'd like to. I really hate being poor right now. Ughhhhh. I love to travel. I've been to a lot of places, but mostly domestic. I really need to get overseas more! I know in my heart that I belong there, but I'm too terrified and too poor to just go and live somewhere else. I'm thankful for where I've been able to go to, though! I'm an "old soul" and have always felt drawn to the architecture and culture of other places, mostly because of the real history behind them. Obviously there's history here in the US, but its different. There aren't the same kind of customs and symbolism. Maybe I'm too jaded. C'est la vie.

Well, girls, I have another post I'm putting up about the Oscars. Stay tuned!

Lots of love!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Little Lexi - Day 19

Hello dolls! I hope that your weekend was fun-filled and warm! Mine was very pretty for the most part and the weather seems to finally be warming up! Its still a little chilly but it isn't nearly as frigid as it has been in the past few weeks.

My challenge for today is to show a picture of what I looked like as a kid. I've already shown you this one here but I thought I'd post another. This is one of my mom's favorite pictures from when I was young. Its a magnet, so I had to take a picture of it. Here it is:

I was in pre-school here. Love it.

I'm still trying to plan out my weekend with my best friend. She's here from Thursday night to Monday morning. I'm going to tell you all my (very) rough draft of an itinerary. Thursday night she should arrive around 8 PM. We're going to rent "Due Date" and just stay in because she'll have driven so long to get here. Then Friday I'd like to get up early and head into the city for some shopping, eating, and partying! My dilemmas for this are: what do we wear from day/night and how do we freshen up between logging long hours hiking around the city to going out? Saturday there is the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Hoboken. Neither of us have ever been and I think it would be a fun experience. Any thoughts? Sunday I might take her to a country western bar that I used to frequent. It has line dancing and a mechanical bull. Always a good time, right? So let me know what you all think about my plan thus far...

Well, dolls, I'm going to go do some cleaning. Have a great Sunday night and I hope that your week starts off right tomorrow! Goodnight!

Lots of love!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Girl - Long Post - Day 18

Hello dolls! I had such a good day today! It was the perfect way to start the weekend. I'll tell you a bit more after I do today's challenge. The challenge is a picture of my biggest insecurity. I've already shown you all my body, and honestly, its not the thing I stress about the most. I am a total freak about the shape of my face in certain pictures. I look really normal in some, like here:

Normal-ish, but still not perfect in my world.

But in other pictures, I look like Mrs. Potato Head. There's something about the angle of the photo I'm taking. Here's my spud face:

Yuckkkkk. I can't even stand it. Oh, and I get really red in the face at the slightest hint of alcohol or physical activity haha. It drives me crazy.
So that's probably my biggest insecurity - how huge my face looks in certain angles. I don't think its something I can ever fix. Ugh. At least I can sort of hide it, right? What's your biggest insecurity?

I will finally tell you about my day! It was great. I didn't have work so I slept in a bit and cuddled with the pup. I woke up to a text from my best friend telling me that she was able to get off of work next weekend to come see me! I'm so, so excited! I haven't seen her since last July. She lives four hours away (which totally sucks), and I hardly ever get to see her. It sucks. BUT I get to spend my milestone birthday (my 25th, which is next Friday) with my best friend! What a great present. I think we're going to go out pretty much all weekend, which is totally atypical for both of us. We're both homebodies who don't really drink. I think a party weekend is in order, though. I deserve it! My 21st was horrible and I really, really just want to have a good, memorable time. What do you think I should do?

After that spectacular news I got ready, and went out to lunch with a girlfriend I haven't seen in quite some time. After lunch I went to see my ex's parents. I'm super close with them, especially his mom, and they're like family to me. His mom cooked us dinner (homemade mac 'n' cheese) and then we had some eclairs that she brought back from a special bakery. Delish! I only had half of one. I'm proud of myself for not overindulging. :)

Unfortunately my boyfriend hates the idea of my ever seeing my ex again but there's zero chemistry there anymore. I feel like he's my dorky kid cousin or something. Oh, well. I'll tolerate the boyfriend's antics I guess. Have you ever had to deal with that kind of thing? Its not even jealousy, which is the weird thing. He's honestly worried that my ex has feelings for me and he's trying to prevent that. Ugh.

After saying my "goodbyes" to the ex's fam, I headed off to my supermarket and picked up some fruit: kumquats, star fruit, kiwi, watermelon, and grapes. I'm super excited. I can't wait to try the more exotic ones. I decided to cut up my watermelon right away and put it into a good container. Usually I just let it sit and figure, 'Oh, I'll eat it soon' and then it goes bad. I'm a nerd. I get so excited over the littlest things.

Now I'm home with my mama and animals and we're watching "Knight and Day" (with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz). I can see why it didn't get rave reviews. Its ok, but its definitely nothing spectacular. As much as I love a good adventure movie, its too cheesy. Its completely unrealistic, but I'll finish it. I cannot wait to go to sleep. Have you ever felt really exhausted but you haven't done anything strenuous all day? That's pretty much the story of my life, haha.

Well, I'm going to finish the movie and drift off. I hope that you all have a great weekend! Night, dolls!

Lots of love!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chaos - Day 17

Hello dolls! So I'm finally back, almost a month later! My life has been chaos! I was really not in the mood to write for a while. I found out some bad news from the doctor and ended up having surgery a few days later. I'm better for now, but they have to closely monitor me for two years. I'm feeling alright thankfully. I'm trying to stay super positive about things. I'm very thankful that I'm alive and that I feel like writing again. :)

After I went through the surgery I had to house/pet-sit for a friend for a week and had no computer, so I was out of touch. It was weird. All I did was go to work, come home to see my mom and pets for a few, then I went back to the house. It was this strange little cycle and I didn't feel happy. Well now I'm getting back into the swing of my "normal" routine.

Day 17 of my challenge is supposed to be a picture of something that has made a big impact on my life recently. Well, my diagnosis had a big impact and so did the surgery, but I don't think I'm ready to share what it is/was. I'm trying to think of something else, but you all already know how much I adore my mom, so what's been inspiring me?

Another blog that I read religiously is The HONEYBEE. Not only is the author gorgeous (as you can clearly see), she's also super nice and writes about a little bit of everything. I absolutely admire her. After I wrote my post about my body here, she wrote me some positive feedback that helped me not get so down on myself. I look to her blog because she sometimes writes about her journey to stay healthy and slim. She's an inspiration to me and when I think about eating poorly, I think about her tips and how fab she looks and it makes me think twice! Go check out her blog! You'll love it!

I'm going to catch up on my shows that I missed last night (I ended up having to work a double - yikes). Have a good night, girls!

Lots of love!
