Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve - Day Seven

Hey dolls! Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I've had a lot going on and most of it hasn't been too positive. Anyway, I cannot believe that we are just a few hours away from being in the year 2011! Its been a crazy year. Some good things and some not-so-good things have happened, but I'm super excited to start anew. I need a good emotional cleansing.

So what are you all up to tonight? Partying I'm sure. I'm home with my mom and we are going to watch movies, pig out, and just relax. We both need a carefree evening. Plus its so much safer to stay home. Of course we'll toast at midnight with some Prosecco (which is absolutely delicious). I hope that you all are staying safe and are having a great night!

Well, day seven is a picture of my most treasured item. In all honesty, the picture I'm going to show you is not my absolute most treasured item of all time (my late grandmother's possessions are), but this is the thing I value day-to-day.

My BlackBerry!

(Note my loving but plump cat. He looooves to be around us all the time and has to sit on/next to/in anything we do. He's so cute.)

I know that this may seem stupid, but my BlackBerry is an amazing phone. It does so much for me and allows me to keep in touch with so many of my friends, new and old, and allows me to have a social life. It has helped me countless times when I was lost, taken many pictures of my loved ones, and provided me with new information. I love it. I've often thought about getting some other type of phone, but my heart belongs to BlackBerry. <3

Anyway, dolls, I'm off to have a fun night. Please stay safe! Happy New Year at the strike of midnight! May all of you and your loved ones have a happy and healthy (and wealthy) new year!

Lots of love!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Snow Day! - Day Six

Hello dolls! I hope that your day went well yesterday! We finally got all of that snow that we were promised out here. We were being threatened with 12-24 inches. At the rate it fell, I think we got a bit above a foot. I'm pretty excited. I LOOOOOOVE snow.

We got out of work at 4:00 PM last night and I went over to my friend Kelsey's house to play. Her, her mom, her pup, and I all just lounged around the house and watched TV. It was nice and chill. Then I came home and did the same thing with my own mom and we watched the snow fall. So beautiful.

It is already day six of my challenge! I'm supposed to put up a picture of someone that I would like to trade places with for a day. I chose:

Blake Lively as Serena Van Der Woodsen from "Gossip Girl"

I chose Blake Lively because the style that girl has and the clothes she wears on the show are A-MA-ZING! I'm so jealous. I would love to have 1/100 of the money she has and be able to wear anything even similar to what she wears. In all honesty, I absolutely die for Blair's character's clothes, too, so it was a tough decision, but I'm partial to blondes. Blake Lively was also recently named the new muse for Christian Louboutin. Could she be any luckier? Oh, yea, she could. She also dated Penn Badgely. Swoon.

Well, girls, I'm off to play in the snow. Hope you all drive safely if you're in this storm and if not, enjoy your day!

Lots of love!


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas! Day Five!

Hello dolls! I hope that you're all having a very Merry Christmas! My mom loved all of the presents I got her and I got some great things from her! Overall I'm very happy.

We went to my aunt's house for dinner which was fun because my two cousins were home. One just flew in today from London to be with us. It was really nice to have her home. When she went to sleep her brother and I had a competition on Wii which turned out to be a blast and also burnt some calories from dinner! It was a win-win.

Unfortunately I'm not feeling too well so I won't write much right now. I have a wretched migraine and my stomach's upset. :( I'm not sure what's causing this.

Day Five is supposed to be a picture of my favorite memory. My favorite memories are probably with my grandmother and I have no digital pictures, so instead I'll post a pic of one of my most favorite memories. My best friend, Linette, and I went on our first annual Best Friend Vacation (BFV) this year. We went to Orlando, Florida and stayed with my aunt and extended family. We had a total blast! The picture I'm going to put up is of the two of us at Universal Studios in front of the Harry Potter ride (which was TOTALLY awesome, by the way). We were drinking Butterbeer which was absolutely delicious. The boy in the picture is my cousin, Justin.

Love them!

Well, I'm off to sleep to hopefully make these feelings go away! More posts on the best friend and family to come as well as pics of some of my Christmas presents and recent purchases! Hope you all got just what you wanted! Merry Christmas again!

Lots of love!


Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve - Day Four

Hello dolls! How has your Christmas Eve been?! Mine has been amusing. I worked all day and rang up $27,000+ worth of booze in my drawer. I hung out with my mom for a bit, grabbed a last-minute gift for her (I bought her a new cell phone), and then headed home. My mom started harassing me to open presents tonight which just made me laugh. I told her if we did that it would totally ruin Christmas for me. Presents are made for Christmas Day! We made a compromise and decided to give the babies their gifts.We wrapped all of their presents because the pup loooooves to unwrap them. Its quite a sight. Because Day Four is supposed to be a picture of my night, I decided to include two pictures: one of the pup and all her new toys/treats/messed up wrapping paper as a background and the kitten and his toys and pseudo bed (a.k.a. wrapping paper). Here they are:

Aren't they adorable?! Ahhh my babies. <3

I spent so much money on presents for my mom! I bought her a new Coach purse, a new cell phone, a bunch of new comfy PJs, two pair of slippers, a Coach keychain, new gloves, and...something else I think haha. I'm a good daughter. :) What did you all get for your loved ones?

Well dolls, its off to sleep for me. Hopefully Santa arrives soon and I get everything I asked for (and the same for you)! Sleep sweet! Oh, and lets pray that its a white Christmas without ruining everyone's travels.

Lots of love!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hectic Day - Day Three

Hello dolls! It is now day three (well, technically four since its past midnight) of my challenge. Here is a picture of the cast from my favorite show, Glee!


I absolutely love this show. It is inspirational, funny, sad, every mix of emotion you could possibly want. And I'm a total sucker for musicals, so this is like my heaven. I love Lea Michele because she's from Jersey, but Diana Agron is my favorite. She's just adorable.

I had a relatively uneventful day with the exception of waking up 10 minutes before I was scheduled to work! I work at a liquor store. I've been there three years and I absolutely love it. I'm a very social person and I get my kicks from meeting new people and talking to my regulars. Thank goodness my boss(es) are flexible and didn't even question why I was almost 20 minutes late. We were busy as heck and of course our credit card machines went down. You can only imagine how hectic things get. I'm the most experienced of the current employees so I was able to handle the overflow. It wasn't too bad, but I don't wish a holiday liquor store day on even my worst enemy (even though one of my enemies works with me, so she already has to deal with the BS).

Well, I have to wake up in just a few hours so I need to get my beauty rest! I hope that you all had a wonderful day! Goodnight.

Lots of love!


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shopping Spree - Day Two

Hello dolls. Hope you're all well! Its been a long day. I had two calls last night so I was up until 5 AM (I'm an EMT). I'm exhausted! I worked all day and then shopped for a few hours after work. I got some really cute things for my room and for my closet! :) Day two of the challenge has commenced. I'm supposed to post a pic of myself and the person I've been closest to for the longest. Here goes:

Me and Ash!

I've known Ashley for 20 years. I can't believe it. We met in kindergarten and even though there have been some challenges in our friendship, we're still in contact! This is she and I at the Bronx Zoo in New York when we were in kindergarten or first grade. Cute outfits, right? Haha. Oh, the 80's.

Challenge aside, I'm super excited about my blog! I hope that I get a follower eventually. I'm sure I'd have one if my mom had any idea how to use this.

After work I ran to Target and picked up these cute boots that I got on clearance. I've been to Target three times in the past five days. I get kind of annoyed with them sometimes because their clearance pricing is inconsistent. For example, I bought two pairs of the same exact flats and one color was about $5.00 and the other color was $10.00. I brought this to the attention of the people at the front desk and they were completely nonchalant about it. "Oh, yea, different colors or sizes can get priced differently," was what I was told. Um, what? That's absolutely ridiculous. Shouldn't two pieces of clothing/shoes/whatever that are the same style be priced the same? Yes. I love Target and buy something every single time I go, but something like that is kind of dumb, right? Ugh. Still mad, but I haven't decided whether or not I'll keep the flats. Pics of my recent purchases will come soon. I don't have a nice camera, so phone pics will have to do! Have a good night!

Lots of love!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Challenge - Day One

Alright, dolls, so here is Day One - a picture of me and 15 facts. I hope that its not too boring!


1) I am a natural blonde.
2) I was born and raised in New Jersey.
3) I went to Penn State.
4) I once moved to Florida by myself for fun.
5) I live with my mom.
6) I absolutely love old movies and musicals in particular.
7) I have an amazing boyfriend that I've been with for over a year. Love him. <3
8) I have a dog and a cat. They both weigh 17 lbs. but I refuse to believe that my cat is overweight.
9) I used to have two ferrets. One passed away last Christmas (RIP Thing One) and my little girl, Thing Two, lives with a friend of mine from college. He has one and our two little ferts make great companions. Thank God he took her for me!
10) I am in love with Britney Spears. She is my favorite. I'm a forever fan.
11) I have seen some amazing people in concert: Cher, Bruce Springsteen, Fleetwood Mac (twice!), Britney Spears, Toby Keith, Little Big Town, Montgomery Gentry, Kanye West, Keith Urban, Carrie Underwood, and many others!
12) I thoroughly enjoy shopping but have spent way too much money lately. Yikes.
13) I would give anything to do parts of my life over again.
14) I would love 10+ kids...that would be my perfect world.
15) I look forward to my future.
Hope you find at least one of these interesting! Talk to you all soon!

Lots of love!


My First Post!

Hello dolls! This is my very first post. I'm so proud already. I came upon this 30 Day Challenge somewhere and decided it was a good way for me to get started blogging!

The challenge:
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
Day 04 - A picture of your night.
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory.
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.
Day 12 - A picture of something you love.
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.
Day 25 - A picture of your day.
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile.
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.

Lots of love!
