Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chaos - Day 17

Hello dolls! So I'm finally back, almost a month later! My life has been chaos! I was really not in the mood to write for a while. I found out some bad news from the doctor and ended up having surgery a few days later. I'm better for now, but they have to closely monitor me for two years. I'm feeling alright thankfully. I'm trying to stay super positive about things. I'm very thankful that I'm alive and that I feel like writing again. :)

After I went through the surgery I had to house/pet-sit for a friend for a week and had no computer, so I was out of touch. It was weird. All I did was go to work, come home to see my mom and pets for a few, then I went back to the house. It was this strange little cycle and I didn't feel happy. Well now I'm getting back into the swing of my "normal" routine.

Day 17 of my challenge is supposed to be a picture of something that has made a big impact on my life recently. Well, my diagnosis had a big impact and so did the surgery, but I don't think I'm ready to share what it is/was. I'm trying to think of something else, but you all already know how much I adore my mom, so what's been inspiring me?

Another blog that I read religiously is The HONEYBEE. Not only is the author gorgeous (as you can clearly see), she's also super nice and writes about a little bit of everything. I absolutely admire her. After I wrote my post about my body here, she wrote me some positive feedback that helped me not get so down on myself. I look to her blog because she sometimes writes about her journey to stay healthy and slim. She's an inspiration to me and when I think about eating poorly, I think about her tips and how fab she looks and it makes me think twice! Go check out her blog! You'll love it!

I'm going to catch up on my shows that I missed last night (I ended up having to work a double - yikes). Have a good night, girls!

Lots of love!


1 comment:

  1. awww you are too sweet! Thanks so much for the love! Hope you are feeling better xo
