Monday, March 14, 2011

Forget Me Not - Day 21

Hello dolls! I hope that you've all been great! Sorry that I haven't written since my birthday weekend, but I've been busy! The rest of that weekend was great! I was so sad to say "goodbye" to my best friend, but hopefully I get to see her again soon!

After all of the birthday celebrating was over, I got back to work and then later in the week I had to take my mom to the hospital. Poor mommy was stuck there for two days. I have to say it was one of the strangest visits she's ever had. It was executed SO poorly, and we never got any definitive answers! Ugh. What a drag.

Soooo today's challenge is to post a picture of something I'd like to forget. Part of the reason I put off posting was because I wasn't sure what I would have liked to erase from my life. This was what I came up with. It wasn't THAT big of a deal, but you know how everyone has those "I can't believe I ever wore that/did that/felt that/dated him" moments? This was one of mine. This picture is from a prom I went to at someone else's high school. It looks like I have no makeup on and my hair isn't done at all and that dress...I liked it at the time, but now I'm like, "What was I thinking?!" I just wish I could forget about the whole prom. Here goes:

Oh. My. God. Who even is that girl? I don't even think it looks like me.

The high school me and the now me don't even look similar in my mind. I was super tan from being a lifeguard and I was a lot thinner. But here I am looking at this picture and thinking that I like myself better now than I did then, even if I weigh more and am a lot paler.

What was your moment that you wish you could forget? One of my favorite quotes is:

"Accept everything about yourself. I mean everything. You are you, and that is the beginning and the end; no apologies, no regrets." - Clark Montanas

I hope that none of you regret anything in your lives but that you see every experience you have had as part of you, whether it was good or bad.

Alright, loves, I'm off to watch the very end of "The Bachelor" and see who he proposes to! I really hope its Emily! I love her. But I don't mind Chantal. Keeping my fingers crossed! Night!

Lots of love!


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