Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve - Day Seven

Hey dolls! Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I've had a lot going on and most of it hasn't been too positive. Anyway, I cannot believe that we are just a few hours away from being in the year 2011! Its been a crazy year. Some good things and some not-so-good things have happened, but I'm super excited to start anew. I need a good emotional cleansing.

So what are you all up to tonight? Partying I'm sure. I'm home with my mom and we are going to watch movies, pig out, and just relax. We both need a carefree evening. Plus its so much safer to stay home. Of course we'll toast at midnight with some Prosecco (which is absolutely delicious). I hope that you all are staying safe and are having a great night!

Well, day seven is a picture of my most treasured item. In all honesty, the picture I'm going to show you is not my absolute most treasured item of all time (my late grandmother's possessions are), but this is the thing I value day-to-day.

My BlackBerry!

(Note my loving but plump cat. He looooves to be around us all the time and has to sit on/next to/in anything we do. He's so cute.)

I know that this may seem stupid, but my BlackBerry is an amazing phone. It does so much for me and allows me to keep in touch with so many of my friends, new and old, and allows me to have a social life. It has helped me countless times when I was lost, taken many pictures of my loved ones, and provided me with new information. I love it. I've often thought about getting some other type of phone, but my heart belongs to BlackBerry. <3

Anyway, dolls, I'm off to have a fun night. Please stay safe! Happy New Year at the strike of midnight! May all of you and your loved ones have a happy and healthy (and wealthy) new year!

Lots of love!


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