Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hectic Day - Day Three

Hello dolls! It is now day three (well, technically four since its past midnight) of my challenge. Here is a picture of the cast from my favorite show, Glee!


I absolutely love this show. It is inspirational, funny, sad, every mix of emotion you could possibly want. And I'm a total sucker for musicals, so this is like my heaven. I love Lea Michele because she's from Jersey, but Diana Agron is my favorite. She's just adorable.

I had a relatively uneventful day with the exception of waking up 10 minutes before I was scheduled to work! I work at a liquor store. I've been there three years and I absolutely love it. I'm a very social person and I get my kicks from meeting new people and talking to my regulars. Thank goodness my boss(es) are flexible and didn't even question why I was almost 20 minutes late. We were busy as heck and of course our credit card machines went down. You can only imagine how hectic things get. I'm the most experienced of the current employees so I was able to handle the overflow. It wasn't too bad, but I don't wish a holiday liquor store day on even my worst enemy (even though one of my enemies works with me, so she already has to deal with the BS).

Well, I have to wake up in just a few hours so I need to get my beauty rest! I hope that you all had a wonderful day! Goodnight.

Lots of love!


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