Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm A Super Dork - Day 12

Hello dolls! So today is day 12 of my challenge! Can't believe it. I wish that I could write every day but sometimes I just don't have the energy or focus. I'm sure I'll get there eventually. I'm loving writing, though. I always have. I used to be on my high school/college newspapers and always found it a phenomenal creative outlet. I've decided that after these 30 days of my challenge are up I'll start posting actual pics of myself/clothes/all that fun stuff. For now, this will be a very nerdy post.

Something that I absolutely LOVE is hummingbirds! They're amazing. I love them so much I have a tattoo of one! Here's a picture of a gorgeous, bright-colored little beauty:

Nature's beauty at its best.

These incredible little birds are also very interesting! Here are some facts because I'm a dork:
- Their hearts can beat up to 1,260 times/min.
- They have no sense of smell.
- They are the smallest of all birds, but make up the second largest family of 343 species.
- Their wings rotate in a full circle.
- They don't suck up food through their beaks but instead drink nectar with their tongues.
- They can fly an average of 25-30 mph, but they can dive up to 60 mph.

These little birds are so cute and amazing for such tiny creatures! Some people are able to feed hummingbirds out of their hands. I completely aspire to be able to do that. The closest I've gotten was a wild squirrel in college that would sit near me at the bus stop and eat out of my hand. It was actually kind of incredible. Oh, Penn State squirrels. They're a legend all their own!

Well, that my was my super nerdy, dorky post. I'm definitely a geek for animals. I hope that you are all having a great week! I'm feeling terrible today and I'm on call tonight so I'm pretty miserable, but I'm keeping my chin up! Thanks for the support on my last post by the way. I appreciate it! Good night girls!

Lots of love!


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